This section describes how to use solids. Solids represent items on the drawing that will block light, such as buildings.
Common Solids Information
The values that can be specified for a solid are listed below.
Starting Elevation: The starting elevation of the solid.
If this is 0 and the object is a closed area, no values inside the object will be calculated or displayed.
If this is greater than 0, the light levels underneath the object will be calculated. This setting can be used to model overhangs.
Ending Elevation: The ending elevation of the solid.
If this elevation is lower than the elevation of a light fixture, some light will pass over the object.
Reflectance: The percentage of light reflected by the solid. It is only used if reflections are enabled in the Calculate dialog box.
📄️ Insert Solid: Shape
The Insert Solid: Shape command is used to insert solids that are closed but not rectangular. If the Starting Elevation is 0, any illuminance levels inside the shape will not be printed. Most solid objects will be inserted using this command, as most buildings and other objects on your plans will require a non-rectangular shape.
📄️ Insert Solid: Rectangle
The Insert Solid: Rectangle command is used to insert solid objects that are rectangular. These objects are closed. If the Starting Elevation is 0, any illuminance levels inside the rectangle will not be printed.
📄️ Insert Solid: Line
The Insert Solid: Line command is used to insert solid objects that are shaped like a line.
📄️ Insert Vertex in Area or Solid
The Insert Vertex in Area or Solid command is used to insert a vertex in a calculation area boundary, solid, or mask on the drawing.
📄️ Remove Vertex from Area or Solid
The Remove Vertex from Area or Solid command is used to remove a vertex from a calculation area boundary, solid, or mask on the drawing.