📄️ What to Do When Design Master Photometrics Crashes
When Design Master Photometrics crashes, there are several ways you can let us know so we can fix the issue.
📄️ Calculations Taking Too Long
Several factors influence how long photometrics calculations take, from the area size to the number of fixtures and solids. This article explains each and suggests how you can reduce the calculation time.
📄️ Base Units and Photometrics Calculations
If your photometrics calculations appear too condensed or spread out, or the calculation takes a long time to complete, you may have your base units set incorrectly.
📄️ Light Fixtures and Text Not Scaling Correctly
For Design Master Photometrics entities to scale correctly, set the DIMSCALE variable in your CAD program according to the scale factor of your drawing.
📄️ Design Master Photometrics Text is Rotated
If Design Master Photometrics text is being inserted at an angle, try using the AutoCAD DVIEW and ROTATE commands to adjust your drawing.
📄️ Design Master Photometrics Entities Insert Skewed or in the Wrong Location
If your Design Master Photometrics entities come in skewed or in a different location than the one you specified, try resetting your drawing view to "Top" and reinserting.
📄️ Incorrect Light Distribution from Light Fixtures
Odd light distributions can be caused by inconsistencies between the light fixture block and the IES file.
📄️ Illuminance Values Inside Building Outlines
When drawing building outlines for outdoor photometrics, make sure you use the Insert Solid Rectangle or Shape commands if you do not want illuminance levels to be measured inside the area.
📄️ Restoring a Database From a Backup
If your database has become unusable, you can restore an earlier version using the backups Design Master Photometrics creates.
📄️ Database Version Error
This error occurs when the project or master database has been used by a machine running a newer version. Learn how to fix it, and what to do if that fix fails.
📄️ Database Connection Error
Database connection errors can often be fixed by restarting, but can also indicate problems with your network or database.
📄️ Reload Missing Photometrics Ribbons and Pulldown Menus
Here are commands you can enter at the command line to reload ribbon and pulldown menu tabs for Design Master Photometrics.
📄️ "Locked Layer" Error Message
Design Master Photometrics typically unlocks any locked layers it needs to use to function. If it can't, it will display an error message telling you to unlock the layers.
📄️ Master/Standards Database Could Not Be Found
These databases are stored with your customization files; if they can't be found, your support path may need to be updated.
📄️ Unknown Command Error
If your commands don't work and return an "Unknown command" error, you may need to repair or reinstall AutoCAD.
📄️ Windows Cannot Find acad.exe
If you receive this error message while running our installer, you may need to change your Windows default program for opening DWG files.
📄️ Error Copying Database to Backup Location
If a backup of your project files cannot be created, the file path may exceed the character limit in Windows.
📄️ "base.dcl" Can't Find File
If you receive this error message, an AutoCAD support file search path has been removed and must be restored.
📄️ File Loading - Security Concern
It is normal to receive a File Loading - Security Concern dialog box from AutoCAD when loading Design Master for the first time. If you continue seeing it, run the Installation Settings command.
📄️ Prompted to Open the "Install" Drawing on Every Drawing
If you are always asked to open the Install drawing, you need to reconfigure your Startup Suite in AutoCAD or APPLOAD settings in BricsCAD.
📄️ Dialog Too Large to Fit on Screen
If you receive an alert saying "Dialog too large to fit on screen," try increasing your resolution to 1280x720 or higher.